Three- Masted Topsail Schooner 'SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL' The Schooner was built in 1965 at the Richard Dunston Ltd., Shipyard in Hessle, Yorkshire, GB, for the "Sail Training Association" in Bosham. The constructors of this ship were Chamber & Nicholsen Ltd. The 'Sir Winston Churchill' is also equipped with a 240 HP help-engine and has a total sail area of 817 sqm. The main-crew consists of 11 men, of these are 8 officers, and they can carry up to 44 ship-boys. In October 1967 a sister-ship, the 'Malcom Miller' was taken into service, and was immediately in the media as its crew-members consisted of women. One of these ships can almost be found at every Windjammer Parade. WOODEN HULL
1/75 SCALE 25” X 4.33” BB-706 PRICE: |