Just like any other machine, such as your car, basic maintenance keeps your computer operating smoothly and also makes sure

that you are viewing the most updated Internet Web Pages.  Every time you use your computer or are online, the Web Pages

you view are stored on your computer.  If you return to one of those same pages at a later date, you are viewing the “Old”

Page even if the Site has been updated.  For this reason, and the fact that “Favorite Placing” your most frequently visited Sites

is the best and easiest way to recall the Website Address, you should regularly delete to old, unused, compressed files which

your computer stores but does not use or require.  By doing this simple maintenance you are assured to view the most updated

version of whatever Website or Webpage you are viewing.


There are several ways of doing this, but there is one universal way which is safe and takes care of all of your old unused and un-needed

files.  If you are just a casual user of your computer, once a month is enough for this simple maintenance.  If you are on the computer

Daily or have kids using the computer, weekly is recommended.  To do this, follow the instructions below:


If you have any questions, or would like alternative methods of doing this, E-Mail Renee at:  Renee@Loyalhannadockyard.com.