CAVIL The cavil, (also spelled cavel, kevil, or kevel was a large cleat on the inside of bulwarks. It was used for belaying lower sail sheets and mooring lines that were led in through sheaves or mooring chocks. We offer an early 17th and 18th century type used mostly for belaying sheets or tacks, called a "stag horn". Dimension is width of horn. MS-2444 -22MM -$ 5.00/2-PK. |
LADDERS Each ship used several different types of ladders. The straight inclined ladder was the most common. Some inclined ladders, used along bulwarks or at poop and quarter deck steps, had curved sides. Simple vertical ladders were also common. MS-0177 – 6MM X 36MM -2/PK. - $ 4.00 MS-29133 – 8MM X 33MM – 2/PK. - $ 4.00
MS-0169 – 20MM X 60MM – 2/PK. - $ 18.50 MS-0166X – 12MM X 60MM – 2/PK. - $ 9.00
PLASTIC/WOOD LADDER: MS-29052 – 60MM X 8MM – 1/PK. - $ 4.00 |
GUDGEONS AND PINTLES The "hinges" for a ship's rudder. The pintle fits the rudder and gudgeon the sternpost. Dimension is thickness rudder they fit. MS-0931 – 5-6 MM – 2/PK. - $ 8.00
MS-2631 – 4MM – 4/PK. - $ 5.00 MS-2633 – 6MM – 4/PK. - $ 5.00
MS-0933 – 5MM – 2/PK. - $ 5.00 MS-0932 – 3MM – 2/PK. - $ 5.00
MS-0928 – 2.5MM – 4/PK. - $
BARRELS Barrels came in many different sizes. Each had its own name, ranging from small "firkins" for butter, through "casks" for water and salt meat, and huge "tuns' for wine. A ship's size -it's "tonnage" was based on how many "tuns" of wine it could carry. Dimension is height x width. MS-0387- 7/16” X 5/16” – WALNUT -$ 4.00/6 MS-0388- 35/64” X 15/32” –WALNUT - $ 4.00/6 MS-0389- 43/64” X 19/32” – WALNUT- $ 4.00/6 MS-0386- 7/8” X ľ” - WALNUT - $ 4.00/6
BELAYING PINS It was originally thought that these "quick release" wooden/brass fastening pins for securing the running ends of the running rigging appeared in the mid-17th century. However, belaying pins were found during the excavation of the Mary Rose, sunk in 1545, indicating that they were used at least 100 years earlier. MS-0412B- 5MM -BRASS –$ 26.00/150-PK. MS-0411B- 12MM –BRASS -$ 26.00/150-PK. MS-0410B- 8MM –BRASS -$ 26.00/150-PK. MS-0393BW- 10MM –WALNUT- $ 15.00/150-PK. MS-0382 -6.5MM –WALNUT -$ 7.50/20-PK. MS-0381 -16MM –WALNUT -$ 7.50/20-PK. MS-0380 -14MM –WALNUT -$ 7.50/20-PK. MS-0394BW -12MM –WALNUT -$ 15.00/150-PK. MS-0392BW -8MM –WALNUT -$ 15.00/150-PK. MS-2377 -18MM –WALNUT -$ 7.50/20 PK. MS-0684 -16MM –BOXWOOD -$ 7.50/20-PK. MS-2387 -18MM –BOXWOOD -$ 7.50/20-PK. MS-2379 -6MM –BOXWOOD -$ 7.50/20-PK. MS-0681BX -10MM –BOXWOOD -$ 15.00/150-PK. MS-0680BX -8MM –BOXWOOD -$ 15.00/150-PK. MS-0682BX -12MM –BOXWOOD -$ 15.00/150-PK.
SHIP’S BELL The bell was the focal point of the ship's daily routine. A 24 hour day was divided into five 4 hour "watches," plus two 2 hour "dog watches" between 4 and 8 p.m. Each watch was timed with a half hour sand glass. The first time the glass was turned, the bell was struck once. The second time, the bell was stuck twice and so on to eight "bells", denoting the end of the watch. MS-0424 -9MM - $ 6.00/2-PK. MS-0426 -6.5MM - $ 6.00/2-PK. |