MOTOR COASTER-4-Hatch and 10-Hatch Versions Available |
MOTOR COASTER Scale 1:50 - Length: 1005 mm (39.5") Beam: 200 mm (8") Built in 1968-73 in the German Democratic Republic for service in the North Sea and Baltic seaports, these motor coasters were designed as multi-purpose carriers, handling diverse cargoes such as wood, paper, grain, containers etc. Numerous vessels were originally built for Lars Rej Johansen of Oslo, however they have since changed hands and names (click to view a selection). A feature is the bulbous bow which reduces hydrodynamic drag resulting in considerable fuel savings. Our model depicts a typical motor coaster of the era. The kit is available as · a 10-hatch coaster (with mast/booms and 4 winches): The hatch is made up of ten identical sections which slide along the top of the coaming sides. On the real vessel the hatches are driven by electric motors and the sections stack up against each other along the ramps at each end of the coaming. One of our prototype models actually has hatches which slide back under power. · a 4-hatch coaster with mechanical digger on a traveling gantry: The hatch is made up of four separate sections which are hinged in pairs. The hatches fold vertical to allow the digger full access to the hold. In both versions of the model the hatch sections may be glued together to form one large cover which lifts off in one piece. Kit Contents:
PRICE: $ 475.00
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