The Tamar class is the result of
several years of research and development by the RNLI to produce the next
generation of slipway-launched lifeboat. It is virtually unsinkable and if
it capsizes in the stormy seas around the British Isles, it will right itself
within a few seconds. The Tamar will gradually replace the Tyne class.
The lifeboat includes the computerised Systems and Information Management
System (SIMS) that enables crew to control many of the lifeboat's functions
remotely from the safety of their seats. Other features include advanced
ergonomics that reduce the impact on the crew as the lifeboat crashes through
waves, and a powered Y-class boat stored behind a transom door to allow
immediate deployment. The Y-boat is accessed by lifting a section of the rear deck, then
launched and recovered on to a ramp provided by the lowered transom door.
The kit contains all the required parts to build the
- Two fiberglass
moldings: the hull and the deck
- Prop-shafts, propellers, brass rudders; a
bow-thruster tube
- CNC-cut and printed styrene parts for the
construction of the cabin
- Detailed cabin interior comprising the seats
and front bulkhead from vac-formed styrene
- A set of fittings and stanchions manufactured
from high grade cast alloy
- Three large frets of etched brass components
including detailed window frames, instrumentation, interior detail etc.
- Pre-formed mast arches from brass tube
- Vac-formed styrene radar, bow
fender, life-raft boxes, life-rings, the filler bays and hose reel
- A vac-formed styrene kit for the Y-class boat with
Lettering and Numbers
- Rubber fendering, wire, dowel etc.
- Self-adhesive Lifeboats lettering and RNLI flags
- Three main plans and over 70 isometric drawings for ease of
The Y-boat compartment under the
rear deck is an optional fitment with a choice of building the deck door as a
one-piece removable unit or with folding sections. The transom door can be
represented by a score in the GRP or drawn in with a permanent marker pen.
The more experienced model maker will no doubt wish to build a working
transom door however no details are given in the kit. We have ensured that
the steering gear is below the Y-boat deck level should the modeller wish to
house the Y-boat below decks.
39 ½”
X 12 ¾”
PRICE: $ 795.00
