In many harbors of the world you will find examples of the
full-size Paula III. These
industrious vessels are constantly shunting in and out of port to carry out
their work in the coastal regions, around the estuaries of large rivers and
in the harbor approaches. Maneuverable and very fast for their size, these
working ships are employed for all manner of tasks. Amongst their duties are
retrieving and laying sea warnings and markers, clearing away minor obstacles
in shipping lanes and transporting special equipment required for marine
This wide-ranging versatility gives the imaginative modeler almost unlimited
scope for completing and operating the boat.
The Paula III is the ideal
model for the beginner and advanced model builder alike, but is likely to
appeal to the traditional modeler who enjoys "real" construction
work. We recommend the use of a lead-acid battery which gives extremely long
running times. The salvage crane can lower various loads over the model’s
stern and retrieve them again.
- Vacuum-molded plastic hull and deck
- Vacuum-molded deck superstructure formed in clear
material; windows do not need to be cut out separately
- Die-cut internal hull fittings
- EF 76 II electric motor
- Complete rudder system
- Stern tube, shaft and propeller
- Shaft coupling
- All parts for the salvage crane
- Decal sheet
- Building instructions and plan
- Complete fittings set

1/25 SCALE
28” X 8.5”
RO-1159 PRICE: $ 235.00